Poetry has existed across cultures for thousands of years. We consume poetry in music, in plays, and in numerous different forms and styles. Many people enjoy reading and writing poetry, but analyzing poetry and improving your poetic vocabulary will help you write more effectively and better engage with the poetry you read.
- IACET CEUs: 0.15
- Mobile-friendly
- Audio-enabled
- Badge and credit-awarding
- Fully accessible
- Games & Flashcards
- Expert-supported
- Video content
learning Outcomes
- Distinguish between formal verse and free verse and recognize the various genres and types of poetry
- Identify the components of a poem, including lines and stanzas
- Hear a poem's rhythm and formally investigate its meter using scansion
- Use and identify various rhyme schemes
- Recognize and apply different poetic devices, including metaphor and alliteration
- Write your own poetry with confidence, starting with the various writing opportunities and prompts in the course